Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Economic driven Media

Why do economics drive most media companies?
Media companies are directly affected by the economies they are a part of. Economies drive the supply and demand of a market, thus having an influence over how media companies act. When an economy is poor media companies have to be more aggressive because they need to catch the attention of the audience they are trying in influence. Media is also influenced by what their audience enjoys, which is affected by the economy. When an economy is good media is directed towards their booming audience. But when an economy is bad media is focused on the cost savings less expensive options to market to their audience.
Economies affect everything and they also have an effect on media companies. Economics determine how much money there is in all markets, affecting the media companies through the supply and demand of their audience. Certain media companies, such as television and news, feed the effects of these economic trends directly to their audiences. Because of this economics have continued to hold a large effect on media companies. Economics, because they have an effect on almost everything will continue to have an effect on the media. This shows that economics and media are both affected by money greatly.
-Michael Bouchie

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