Sunday, February 13, 2011

How will the print industry survive? What is the impact of demassification?

In today’s society, people live with a fast pace and become impatient to wait for receiving the latest information. The print industry has been greatly affected by computers and the internet. Information in magazines, books, and newspapers is now all online for free. Despite the differences in format and appearance, each type of media actually succeeded in informing the public. For example, newspaper uses typical inverted-pyramid style, which is only because usually after reading a few paragraphs, or even a few sentences, readers may already get bored and move onto the next story. This format allows readers to gain the information of the story without partaking in all of it. To conclude, different people have different preferences in choosing their ways to get information. That’s why print industry will survive to serve their particular customers.

Demassification is a trend that moves media markets from mass to niche audiences, which has resulted in channel specialization, and the old model of broadcasting to the masses has given way to market segmentation and targeting to the target audiences. The new media shrink the size of the audience for any particular channel to create opportunities for other similar companies. In the future, this will lead to a phenomenon that companies’ production may be less about what they are doing to people, but more about what people are doing with the media.

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