Sunday, February 6, 2011

Why Does Economics Drive Most Media Companies?

Economics dominates many media companies today because of the money made from advertising and sales, and the results we receive from it. In order for individuals to see how well media does, economics must be involved for viewers to see the profit made from advertisements and sales.

One great way to understand how well media does with economics is to look at the profits popular websites such as “Google” does. In 2008, “Google” received 21.8 billion dollars. This includes people looking up many images or more information on various media around them. Another website that reeled in a high profit was “NBC Universal” with 12.5 billion dollars in 2008. These are just two examples of how economics plays a role in media.

Media has become the key to “economic success”, mainly because this is what people love to view and be involved with. No matter what an individual is interested in, media of all types is all around them. Therefore, people view media constantly and raise the income to many websites, T.V. shows, commercials and magazines. Changes in the media are also an excellent way to make money because people love modified products and are willing to spend more money on them, especially with the media influences.

-Taylor Johnson

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