Sunday, February 27, 2011

Old verses New

In the age of ever changing forms of technology the print industry is still producing books, newspapers, and magazines, but the Internet, e-Readers, iPads, and similar devices questions the print industry’s importance to our society. Many believe that these new forms of technology will dwindle the print industry’s profits, which will in turn lead to the inevitable down fall of the industry itself. However, what many people do not realize is that people are still buying printed objects. New technologies for reading books, news, and magazines have been seen to be more economically beneficial, which the printing industry has recognized this and surprisingly lower their prices.

With major book companies such as Borders filing for bankruptcy, brings the question to many peoples’ minds of will the print industry survive? Yes, the print industry has suffered a significant loss to newer technologies, but has realized ways to appeal to people to buy printed materials. Books have significantly decreased in price, which has helped gain the popularity in buying books again. Many people switched to devices like e-Readers, iPads, etc. because they seemed to be financially more beneficial in the long run. However, what many people do not realize now is that paperback books are actually cheaper than digital copies of books. An average price for digital copies of books is around $9.99 and can even be higher. I personally went to a Borders store a few days ago and bought three well-respected novels all under 5 dollars. By lowering the costs of printed material will enable them have a competitive edge over newer technology.

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