Friday, February 11, 2011

How will the print industry survive? What is the impact of demassification?

I do not believe that actual newspapers will survive. Everything is turning to the Internet, so newspapers will simply have to keep up with that and move to only publishing online. I do not necessarily think that is a bad thing either; it saves paper, which saves the environment. If people really want to read print and like the feeling of paper in their hands then they can print it out and waste their own money. Another reason why this is good is because when a newspaper is printed that is it, they cannot add a new story if something important happens in the middle of the day, online they can. I think everything online is more efficient and cheaper. The impact of demassification is bad because smaller companies will not be able to fund newscasters traveling to wherever the news is happening and the news will be less accurate. They will also be more desperate for funding so they will be forced to do what advertisers want, and news will be more bias.

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