Monday, February 14, 2011

Can Print Survive in a Digital Age?

Years ago, people used to get their news from one single source, that being the newspaper. In todays society, with the internet being as easily accessible as it is, people are putting down the newspapers in favor of getting their news from the internet. I feel that this change is not necessarily a bad thing, but something that was bound to happen.
To cope with this fairly sudden change, I think that newspapers are going to start making use of their online websites more. Instead of offering the paper for free online I feel that newspapers will start charging fees to cope with the decrease in print sales. And with E-Readers becoming more and more popular, I think that publishing houses will start putting a lot more focus on their online book products.
Despite the fact that a majority of people prefer the digital form of print media, I feel that books, newspapers, and magazines are not ever going to fully go away. Holding a newspaper or a book is a much simpler and direct as opposed the digital alternative. a

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