Sunday, February 20, 2011

The Obstacle with Deregulation

Deregulation is said to be, "The reduction or elimination of government power in a particular industry." Through out history, radio and the recording industry has changed significantly. When radio first made its way into society, it was used as a communicator for families and friends to gather information. However, now it is mostly used for different genres of music that differentiate each station. Instead of tuning into one station to hear the latest news, individuals flip to "Jammin' 9.45" to get the latest and most popular hip-hop and rap music. Deregulation has made us unappreciative towards radio and the recording industry because we do not see radio the way it is supposed to work.

On the website titled, "How Did Deregulation Affect Broadcast Media?" it stated, with "regulation, the Big Three Networks--Columbia Broadcasting Company, American Broadcasting Company and National Broadcasting Company--would not have been able to grow and diversify. They now even own cable networks and radio stations because of deregulation." This shows even more negative affects deregulation has had on media. It is harder to diversify radio today, which is a setback to many individuals.

We all turn up the radio when the newest hit song comes on or a classic oldie, yet when commercials and advertisements come on we usually turn the station or put in our CD's or hook up our IPOD's. We are constantly listening to music, we are not hearing what is going on around the world with radio once did for us.

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