Monday, February 14, 2011

How will the print industry survive? What is the impact of demassification?

As technology continues to develop the print industry must demassify itself to maintain an audience. Through the internet access to information is instant, and up to date. Print media is becoming more obsolete. Using the internet has become the easiest and fastest way to find the most up to date information. Print markets have begun to change by offering subscriptions to online newspapers, and also creating e-books. These changes have taken the “print” industry and made them available un-printed. But there is still a market for print media with older generations. These generations are more likely to reach for the original source because it is what they are used to.

The print industry must adapt themselves to maintain an audience. Newspapers are printed the night before they are distributed; sometimes making the information they are sending old. But the internet can be updated instantly, giving it a definite advantage. As more and more devices gain access to the internet, access to information through technology becomes easier than any print market. The use of print materials is losing more and more customers. But there will always be a need for print media, even if access to the same information is available online.

-Michael Bouchie

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