Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Conglomeration narrowing views

Conglomeration amongst the media giants in the movie and television industries has been played a major role in the shape of the industries today. Television and movies are two markets that are solid through any economy, and have potential to entertain masses. But is an industry where there are fewer media giants there is less competition, making the industries, in some aspects, lack creative qualities. Many current movies are based on previously written novels, books, and sequels to preciously released movies.

Television has remained the same as well; maintain shows with similar formats as previous shows. Entertainment value has decreased as many more reality shows flood the television market. Television is a commercial driven business, much of the television time being filled with ads for new products. These media giants control multiple networks making much of what is aired similar from channel to channel. You can also see the repetition in the movie industry, our favorite actors holding many leading roles in multiple movies.

As the number of media conglomerations increased the movie and television industries narrowed. Fewer original shows and movies are released, and quality in some areas suffers. Both movies, with product placements, and television with commercials, have become commercial industries due to conglomeration.

-Michael Bouchie

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