Monday, February 14, 2011

How will the print industry survive? What is the Impact of Demmassification

As the print industry's market share seems to be on a decline along with readership and the overall demand for newspapers, magazines, and items of similar sorts, there doesn't seem to be much hope for printed publications. With online news access through websites, blogs, and a variety of much more instant sources of information, it seems to me that printed publications will have to rely more heavily on being entertaining and holding opinions.

The best example I can offer are automobile magazines, which report quickly outdated information that is old to anyone with an Internet connection. Amongst a sea of old information and boring articles, TOP GEAR magazine stands apart as it offers witty commentary, and an entertaining perspective on month old information. In order to stand apart from the instant blogs, tweets, and television, print will have to move more towards an opinion and entertainment based medium in which the information may be old but the opinions and thoughts are fresh, entertaining, or enlightening to the reader.

In terms of demassification more independent medium specific forms seem to be appearing. I think this may lead to ipad specific information, blackberry information etc. Overall we will get more medium based content.

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