Monday, February 14, 2011

How will the Print Industry Survive and what is the impact of demassification?

The print industry will survive because they will make the transition to online delivery of communiccation. Today's media consumer wants their information fast. They want to know what is happening all over the world, NOW! Some of the problems that this industry has to face are less serious then one might originally think. Many magazine companies have already outsourced their printing processes and therefore will not have to eat the costs of shutting down presses. Also, many magazines outsource content in their product to freelance writers and then will not have to go through a large downsizing process. (Vivian, pg.93)
The book industry also seems to be in a good position to shift to digital formats. Technologies such as the Amazon Kindle allow book lovers to buy more material, faster. The book industry does not rely on advertising so they avoid any tie to that problem. (Vivian, pg 101)
The impact of demassification is the incredible amount of selection today's media consumer has at their fingertips. Consumers can choose from hundreds of telivision stations each trying to suit a niche that a group of people will like. Radio stations play particular genres of music, trying to appeal to a certain audience. Insteads of trying to suit everyone, these outlets choose a small demographic and try to appeal to a large portion of that demographic.

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