Monday, February 14, 2011

Survival of the Print Industry and Effects of Demassification

With the addition of the Internet and applications, the print industry has met its new rival. However, since the print industry has been around for so long, it will be able to survive the competition. The consumers of the print industry from the past decades will still remain to be loyal customers to the print business. Everyone has a preference when it comes to technology versus printed copies, so people will choose their choice. This has led print industries to adapt to the new technologies. Magazines and newspapers have posted their articles on their online sites where the mass community can read what others are reading in the print sources. Books have had the most success with applications though, and magazines and newspapers have followed this lead.

The only problem is that this is causing demassification among the mass community. Some people cannot afford the new technology such as the Internet or products that use the applications. This divides the mass community into two separate sections the ones who can afford the new technology and others who can only afford the print. In addition, these groups also include the people who would rather stick to the basics then go with the new technology. The community will keep dividing as new technology becomes more available.

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