Saturday, February 19, 2011

Radio Killed the TV Star?

The deregulation on the recording industry had its positive and negatives. The freedom of artists to say whatever you wish on record came to be a little too much for the Parents Music Resource Center who went to the FCC and the National Association of Broadcasters with concerns about some of the lyrics on different records. Record companies decided to put disclaimers on their records warning the audience about “explicit lyrics” and “parental advisory”.

The Federal Radio Commission was created in order to keep the airwaves from overcrowdings. In order to go around the First Amendment, they had said that the public airwaves are just like a public park and the government has a right to control and regulate them.

I would say the deregulation of radio and recording industry had its ups and downs and some great things came out it such as freedom of recording and different public radio stations however the Federal Radio Commission is something that is necessary in order to regulate and keep things smooth with the radio waves and control all the radio stations. 

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