Monday, February 14, 2011

With print no longer the only means of news, will it become obsolete?

For many years the only way to get your news was to read the newspaper. Now with the television, the Internet and even cell phones options are unlimited. You can instantly get an update on whatever is happening in the world by simply clicking a button. Everything is now available at your fingertips.

So what does that mean for the print industry. Well at the moment it means that more and more newspapers are losing subscriptions. The print industry is facing a decline in business. As a result many publishing companies are downsizing or merging with other companies.

How ever this may not necessarily be bad. We are in the middle of a media technological revolution, and we don’t know the out come. At the moment the increasing dependency on the Internet instead of print seems like a bad thing. There is however an increasing problem of demassification. The world is being divided in the loyal people who continue to rely on print for their news and the new generation who is increasingly. We don’t know if print will survive, only that with more advances in technology the world will further divide.

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