Monday, February 7, 2011

Why does economics drive most media companies

Almost everything is powered by economics these days.  The economy shows everything from how a country itself is defined to how a specific company is doing at a certain time.  It think it’s most easy to understand this concept in terms of money.  What is the goal of all companies and media?  To make the shareholders happy, and how this is accomplished is by making as much money as possible.  Making more money means many things from expansion to bigger bonuses.  Media is driven by the economy because in order for media to be successful it needs money to run properly and make viewers happy.  Simply put this is called advertising, which is why we watch so many commercials.  Another way to think of this concept is going by the phrase “ you help me I help you.”  The network provides time for companies to show what they have to their viewers and the companies provide the networks with the money they need. 
Most importantly for media and companies is what the economy shares in terms of what trends in spending people are making.  Trends in what people spend equals money for those companies who are willing to pay top dollar for a chance to get their product more widely known much like the super bowl.

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