Monday, February 7, 2011


According to many sources in print and on the web, media literacy seems to be the process of comprehending and using the types mass media in an active method. This means that the user is informed and uses a critical understanding of the nature of the media, the techniques used by them and the impact of these techniques.

With this sort of broad definition in mind I would think that someone who is highly literate in media, would have a very good understanding of the great majority of media types, how they work to the tenth degree, and the impact that those type of media have on culture. A media literate individual would be able to decipher the messages being presented, and take away the meaning implied, yet also look at the transmitting source of such media with an eye of skepticism as many media forms if not nearly all have a weight of bias towards a particular viewpoint. As media is a part of everyday life in an ever increasing way we will all need to become more media literate.

We should all strive to be highly media literate and educated in deciphering, analyzing, and comprehending media information. With more analysis comes a better understanding and a better future for media and its users.

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