Sunday, February 13, 2011

How will the print industry survive? What is the impact of demassification?

The print industry took flight with the invention of steam-power presses in the 1840’s. The newly invented technology made things a lot easier in society especially when it came to relaying news and general information. This new technique of mass communication made attaining information, whether it be news or entertainment, in a much more easily accessible manner. Back then the print industry was the newest technology much different then today where the internet is a main, if not the main, source of information and news for people. The internet provides easily accessible information at the click of a mouse and is much more eco-friendly and money-friendly then printed media. Because of this much speculation has presented itself concerning whether or not the print industry will survive in a world with such advanced technology. I feel that in today’s world there will come a time in the future where there will no longer be a need for any printed material. Even having been at college for two years I have noticed a substantial difference in how the internet plays a role in my classes. Everything is computer based and even homework assignments are turned in online. I believe that the print industry is an important aspect of our lives and that we should not base everything on technology especially for those consumers who are not tech-savvy. Furthermore, the convenience of new technology is the main cause of print industries fall.

The book defines demassification as the “process of media narrowing focus to audience niches” (Page 100). What this means essentially is that print, film and broadcast companies have begun to narrow down their targeted audience to a particular group of consumers. For example, the magazine Cosmopolitan has a target audience that consists of women in their twenties and thirties who are into fashion, sex advice and the latest celebrity gossip. With this certain targeted audience advertisers who also market to the same audience would be likely to advertise within that certain media. So for instance in Cosmo there are many ads which have to do with makeup and personal hi-gene because the targeted consumers are women who most likely pay close mind to their physical appearance. Through this demassification has helped magazines make it in the media for the time being. I think in the future everything will become computer based as a way for companies to save money and even advertisers to save money when purchasing online space. The print industry unfortunately does not stand a chance to survive because of the advancements in technology and has made it too easy for society to access information without even having to leave the comfort of their homes.

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