Thursday, February 3, 2011

Technology Dependence

Technology dependent is definitely a term that could be used to describe our generation. Personally i know that i feel lost if God forbid I forget my cell phone one day. Everyone I know and everyone I see is constantly on their cell phones, ipods, laptops, ipads, etc. I don't necessarily see this as a problem though. Everyone these days is very dependent on technology for a lot of things; news, weather, communicating with people, music, basically everything, but having all of this at our fingertips constantly is very convenient. Being dependent on technology just means that we now have a quicker, more convenient way of doing things than there used to be. For instance, instead of walking down the block to see if my friend is home and wants to hangout, i can just text them and get an immediate response. Technology dependency is a huge happening in this day and age, but really, its a pretty good thing. People depend on technology because its the most convenient way to know things and to get things done, and now a days, its all bout speed and efficiency, which is what technology definitely supplies.

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