Sunday, February 6, 2011

What is technology dependence?

Technology dependence is the global trend that people depends on technological ways like internet to receive information and apply in daily life. It is not necessarily a bad phenomenon. Without our blind and unreasoning acceptance of technology, dependence on technology provides us with conveniences, which is really excellent to our lives. 

Nowadays, society has been increasingly dependent on technology. For example, cell phones can be found on everyone and some people don’t even have landlines.

It is undeniable that the dependence on technology can be a good thing. For one, we can look up information quickly, whereas in the past, one had to go to the library, find out whether the book is even in circulation and then leaf through the book to find the information one is looking for. Today, it’s just a quick search online. Also, news is released quicker as well. You can put up a headline and brief information about what’s happening very quickly. Television and radio require more time to assemble crew while they encourage people to be lazier as communication is only one way, with the audience passively receiving on the other end. The Internet also encourages people to read. In addition, online publications save companies a lot of money. 

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