Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Into to mass media questions

1)Why are you taking this course?
-Because I am interested in communications as a subject and a career.
2)How much do you know about mass media? Can you list the various types of media you use?
-I know more than the average person.
-Television, Radio, Newspaper, Internet, Advertisements.
3)What is the greatest impact media has on culture?
-Media changes the way the masses think and perceive different situations and opinions in the world.
4)Do you know anyone that works within media? If so, who and where do they work?
What do they do?
-Yes I know a family friend who works for NBC studios at Rockefeller center in New York City.
-His job is to program the screens in taxi cabs to show news and other information.
5)What do you hope to learn from this course?
-I hope to better understand media and its role in society.
-I also hope to gain further knowledge on the subject of communications so that one day I can find a career in that field and know what I'm doing.

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