Monday, February 7, 2011


Green makes the world go round. In our world of consumption, buying, selling, and trading just about everyone in the world seems to be involved with a product or service. Media companies tend to focus on making money from advertising revenue, which comes from money made from selling advertising space. Overall all forms of media need to be supported somehow and that comes from companies looking to sell products or services through that media to a particular audience. The general population doesn’t seem to have too much of a problem with advertising but the problem with economics and driving most media companies comes when large media conglomerates are more involved in media and media viewpoints then consumers know.

Overall in this state of economics, there must be buyers and sellers. The media simply connects the buyers and sellers more quickly together and makes people think that they need or should want products that they might not necessarily need or really want until they have been coerced into feeling insufficient without the products. Economics in media simply put means that someone sells, someone buys and the cycle repeats.

But if your really interested take a look at this SNL skit

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