Sunday, February 27, 2011

The positive and negative aspects of deregulation

Deregulation has ultimately allowed for the large conglomerate radio stations to acquire the smaller station in an attempt to gain both market share and the audiences they reach. Deregulation brings both positive and negative implications that inevitably affect us, the listener.

From a positive standpoint, deregulation has allowed corporations to increase their bottom line and profit margins by acquiring a large number of smaller stations that branch across the United States. These acquisitions and mergers have allowed conglomerates to control a wider audience in regards to the news, music, and advertisements they hear. The greater control in the airwaves makes for greater leverage in these stations. With greater leverage, these conglomerates have the ability to both target and manipulate audiences.

Although deregulation has allowed larger corporations to flourish, the audience is limited to a diverse voice and opinion of unaffiliated radio stations. As a listener, we have limited control as to what transmits through the airwaves. With limited control, makes us vulnerable to bias news.

Deregulation can be looked at from both a positive and negative standpoint. As the listener, it is our obligation to recognize the limitations of opinion through deregulation while understanding the positive aspects through a business standpoint.

-Patrick Morgan

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