Wednesday, February 2, 2011

1. Why are you taking this course?

This course is a requirement for my Graphic Design Communications major. It is my first mass media course at the university.

2. How much do you know about mass media? Can you list the various types of media you use?

I use mass media constantly whether it be my computer, cell phone, iPod/radio or the television. When I am at home I usually read the newspaper too.

4. What is the greatest impact media has on culture?

I think that media impacts culture through influence. We depend heavily on media these days and are likely to believe and abide by what we see in media.

5. Do you know anyone that works within media? If so, who and where do they work? What do they do?

I do not know anyone who works within media.

6. What do you hope to learn from this course?

I hope to learn the fundamentals of mass media and be able to apply them to the skills I already have in graphic design and be able to improve myself and my thinking as a designer.

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