Monday, January 31, 2011

What is Technology Dependency?

Stop and think about how your everyday begins. I wake up by the alarm pre-set on my cell phone and before I could fully open my eyes, I turn my computer on and check my email/Facebook/Twitter and the news. This media communication happens in the 5 min I have been awake, before I could say “Good Morning” to my roommates or brush my teeth. Talk about technology dependency.
As our book explains it, “reliance on technology” in our everyday lives is technology dependency. Now more than ever technology has integrated itself in our lives and there is no escaping it. Our cell phones, iPods, iTouch, iPhone, laptops, iPads, etc are everywhere. As I was sitting in GHH today, I saw one of my good friends, Nick who was coming from class. He had no backpack, no books, just his iPad. I was a little in shock, however Nick explained how his iPad had everything he needed-note taking, eBooks, references, etc. This just shows how technology has become a replacement for a lot of things that was material being replaced by technology.
It will be interesting to see what our children begin bringing to class; it might not even be necessary to attend class physically. Who knows, time will tell. 

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