Monday, March 28, 2011

Entertainment Today

Finding entertainment for our generation is no longer a hassle. We no longer have to follow the time our favorite TV show is on, DVR and the internet are two alternatives we can catch up with entertainment we may have missed. Along with TV, I-pods, I-pads, cell phones and computers are at each of our finger tips. We can access the mass media with the touch of a button and find entertainment within seconds. Mass media has turned into the technology that creates it, which continues to grow. The mass media technology and the way we are entertained shows that we are never truly alone. With the help of Facebook, Twitter and Skype individuals are able to talk to others constantly, which is entertaining in many ways. We can be sitting alone in a room late at night, but we still have the technology to communicate with our friends or family.
In some ways, the entertainment we now have so easily, may be harmful to our generation. It can cause individuals to be socially awkward if they are constantly entertained over the computer and cell phone and less with actual people. It will be interesting to see how our entertainment will change through out the next year. Will we ever be able to put the cell phone and computer down?

-Taylor Johnson

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