Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Internet's Blogging Influence

The internet is one of the most important devices in the spread of information. The internet has allowed for many people to put their thoughts and ideas out within the public view. Blogs have allowed individuals to directly putting the words onto the internet free of charge. These blogs have been very influential on the way news is reported, someone always making sure the news reported is as accurate as possible.

Some major individuals in the media spot light have been affected by these bloggers, such as Dan Rather and President Clinton. These two individuals were exposed by bloggers, affecting their careers immensely. The ability for people to disprove large scale media individuals has changed the face of news. All reported news has to be accurate, or some individual will notice the inconsistencies.

Giving the ability to any individual with internet access the option to put their words and thoughts on the internet creates the ability to influence media through the reporting done by individuals. Being backed up by amendment rights to free speech, these blogs have the ability to influence the online lives of individuals directly through their computer screen. Blogs and the internet have made news more accurate and relevant to the lives of individuals.

-Michael Bouchie

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