Sunday, March 6, 2011

News and the Internet

Society relies on the Internet and blogs to receive news in a faster and quicker way than ever before. Just with a click of a button, the latest stories around the world can be viewed on anybody's computer screen. These stories are usually summarized, providing the most important details, making is easier and faster to read. Almost everyone today has access to the Internet which increases the audience who reads the news presented through the Internet.

With the large audience and easy access to information, feedback becomes an important part in the delivery of news through blogs and the Internet. The readers can respond within seconds of a story or blog being posted since the transfer of information travels faster on the Internet than any other media source. The audience can interact with the source that provided the information by adding their opinion. This can be good as well as bad. Feedback, a major part of mass communication, is increased and the audience becomes a part of sharing ideas. Though, with blogs written from a personal point of view, the information can be delivered with a biased opinion skewing facts and the storyline. With the use of blogs and the Internet, the delivery of news is permanently altered.

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