Monday, March 7, 2011

Whose willing to pay for future Internet and Blog news?

Blogs and the Internet have changed the way news is reported in a number of ways. For starters, news can be checked at anytime, incase one doesn't catch the latest news on TV or the radio, they can instantly type the issue in online and find out the most recent discoveries. Blogs have made it more accessible for us as individuals to share how we feel about news. If there is something we don't agree with, we are able to state our opinions which can be both a positive and negative aspect. Blogs and the Internet are the future of news, in order for people to catch the latest information they often just hop onto the Internet or pull up a blog and read about it. It is fast and easy, rather than waiting around for the news to come on late night, or early in the morning when many people are busy. Our generation is constantly full of activity, we sometimes loose a sense of what is most important and what is going on around us, so in order for individuals to be up-to-date with the news, the internet and blogging sites have been more efficient and effective for everybody.
Blogs and the Internet also give reporters and others in the news workforce credit. It provides identification and helps people see who they are, which can be a beneficial part of working with the news as well as the Internet. Within the next few years, after the majority of news on the TV will make its way over to Internet and Blogging sites, there will most likely be costs to be paid, otherwise, in order to grab our information, we are going to have to pay for it. Will it be worth it? We are just going to have to find out. Although, fast and easy for receiving news it is a matter of if individuals will be willing to pay for this information.

-Taylor Johnson

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