Sunday, March 6, 2011

There's fast, then there's blogging

Blogs have changed the way news is reported for the better. Since our generation today is more technologically advance, we like to go on the computer and use the web to get our information. We go to news sites to keep up to date about what is going on in the world. But then there are times in which you want to get someone else’s opinion about news and to see what they think about a topic. It may sometimes agree with what your thinking is. It is almost like another form of a newspaper or magazine because you are getting the story from reporters, which in this case are the bloggers. Today everyone likes things to be very fast and to be on hand when you need it. Blogging is great for that because it allows for faster and more up to date news when you want it. Blogging allows for your ideas to be heard and for people to respond to them with their own thoughts and can allow for somewhat of a debate. Blogging is changing the way we send and receive news. Because of this newspapers and other companies are going out of business because they don’t keep up with demand and they don’t report news as fast as people want it.

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