Sunday, March 20, 2011

Gatekeepers-The People Behind the Scene

The gatekeepers of news are the people behind the scenes that call all the final shots. News papers and news cast have limited space and time and need to give all the important news to the public and deciding what news are more important than others is the gatekeepers job. Their job is very important and they make the final decision of how the world sees the news and what the world hears as news. Gatekeepers have to make news judgment and pull out news that are not as relevant for that day or week.
            Investigative reporting started with muckraking which is term used to digging up dirt but it’s used to describe investigating reports with a public policy reform aim. Investigating reporting informs the public of things that the government is usually trying to hide. Many times, investigating reporting changes the course of history and forces the government to clean up their act or change a law. However, many times, government decides to overlook the news and continue doing what they are doing. Also, people have less interest in investigating reporting because it won’t change anything or at least people seem to think that. 

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