Monday, March 21, 2011

Conglomeration, where are all the little guys?

Conglomeration is simply a group of organizations/companies that combine together to make a big one or is in turn controlled by a larger company. Conglomeration in media has been going on for years especially in television, movies and radio, and music. However it seems most prominent in Television and the movie business.
Other than Independent films almost all films that go into production are being backed and controlled by a few main movie companies such as Warner brothers, dream-works, Universal studios, Paramount and Columbia. However there are a lot more of these production companies but they all coincide with this conglomeration of producing companies. This happens all because of money. The big guys have the money and can help produce a film faster and with more tools at hand. Having a conglomeration in this industry basically allows for more money to be made.
Television is not like the film industry in this sense of conglomeration. A movie can be produced by one of these conglomerations but it will have a different turn out because there are different directors. You can think of a conglomerate in the television business as being that constant director. Its almost like no matter what channel you watch if its apart of the bigger conglomeration then it feels like they are similar or the same. Basically this means that there can and are biases in the television business. Having a conglomerate in the television industry i feel controls too much of what we can readily watch this importantly includes the news. Which i think is the main reason why there television has conglomerates in the first place.

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