Monday, March 28, 2011

How has mass media technology changed the way that audiences are entertained?

Technology has greatly changed the wa audiences are entertained. With the internet's huge reach, information is now available to entertain the audience instantly. I think this ability to recieve information so fast is the biggest change in mass media. Instead of waiting to watch the nightly news to recieve the day's information, one can go online at any point in the day and find out anything that they need instantly. 
Social media outlets such as Facebook and Twitter have allowed people to be entertained by their friends instantly. People can basically find out what any of their friends are up to through their status updates. They can go to to instantly find out anything they want to know about the news world. Traffic and weather can always be instantly learned. I think the internet is an "information superhighway" that will continue to change the way that media is consumed as it continues to develop.

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