Monday, March 28, 2011

Changes in Entertainment

How has mass media technology changed The way audiences are entertained?

Media technology is ever changing and improving constantly. There used to be only a few portals of entertainment, now there's tons of different gadgets and gizmos used to entertain. If you asked my grandpa about entertainment for kids, he would say that in his day, he played with a stick and a rock, and he would have no idea what an ipad or itouch was. Now a days all entertainment comes from media. Every time they come out with something different, everyone rushes to get it and download all sorts of things to entertain them. For example, along with the creation of the ipod, came the development of applications, or apps. Now every phone has apps you can buy or download for free including games, internet, and social networks. You can even download movies onto your ipod and ipad. You used to only be able to watch a movie if it was playing on tv for the 1 time every year that it did, or at the theater. Now, if i wanted to, i could be entertained for hours with movies on a Netflix app basically anywhere thanks to 3g. I think that way it's been changed the most is that there's more entertainment available, and always available. It's almost virtually impossible to ever be bored.

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