Sunday, March 6, 2011

Changes in the way news is reported

Blogging and the internet have had a huge impact on how news is now reported, both in its content and availability. Blogs (web logs) enable anyone to access a mass audience and communicate their message through the internet to them from the comfort of their own home. The content of their blog can be politically based and can create a mass frenzy of comments. Often comments made by public officials are the topic of conversation in a blog and can be powerful indicators of how the mass audiences are feeling about them. Now anyone with a computer can have access to the mass media by the touch of a button, which has totally transformed how news is reported. News is spread so quickly now, with the use of the Internet. Watching videos on YouTube or reading about it on Facebook or Twitter now enables us to see world events “first hand” and not only through the eyes of a TV reporter or in the daily newspaper. We can interpret the news ourselves and draw our own conclusions about what is happening in the world. Now anyone can be a news reporter and give eyewitness accounts of major conflicts in the world as they happen. The news is not delayed anymore; it’s right at your fingertips.

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