Monday, March 7, 2011

How has blogs and the internet changed the way news is reported?

Blogs and the internet have changed the way that news is reported by making it possible to have news basically on-demand. It is constantly being updated and therefore eliminates the need to clear a hole in your schedule to watch the 6:00 news on the television. At any spare moment in their day, the average media consumer could find a website on their iPhone that would tell them exactly what they wanted to know from that news source. You can also watch on-demand videos of newscasts over the internet and the person in the newscast will just talk about the story that you want to hear.
 The internet also allows “Breaking News” to reach a much larger percentage of people much faster. If something big happens in the sports world and a sports media consumer is on the ESPN website a flashing banner will come onto the screen with the breaking news. Anyone who has access to this website is instantly informed.
Blogs hhave changed the way that news is reported because they allow anyone to become a news reporter and gain followers. This has allowed people such as Perez Hilton to come out of obscurity into a major media figure. Blogging is now a major outlet of news of all kinds as they can instantly connect with people all over the world.

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