Sunday, March 27, 2011

Changes in Entertainment

Through the years with advancements in technology the arts have been made accessible to a diverse audience through a network of media outlets. Beginning with stories reaching audiences through a book or a live performance, and then a movie bringing the storyline to life on the big screen, now e-readers can display books electronically and movies can be downloaded to your home computer, TV, or phone with the touch of a button. Radio and TV entertainment brought about huge changes to daily life for many generations. Listening to your favorite show on the radio and then being able to see it on TV was monumental in the media industry. In the world of sports, having access to instant replays, on-line statistics, and camera and microphones on the playing fields has created a huge fan base and brought entertainment to the next level. With iPods and smart phones, entertainment became more individualized and easily accessible. In the world of music, “technology of sound recording gives composers, lyricists, and performers far larger audiences than would ever be possible through live performances” (Vivian). Audiences can now choose their venue of entertainment because of all the technological advances available to them. Technology is changing so fast in our world and making access to media simpler and faster than ever.

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