Monday, March 21, 2011


The news changes as fast as technology does. And technology changes pretty damn fast. There used to be a time when you had to wait till the next day to know what happened yesterday, or later on when tv had news that seemed to be pretty quick and knowledgeable. But Imagine knowing when something happens almost instantaneously? Well when the internet came along thats pretty much what happened. Sadly the use of newspapers went down but those companies are still able to post what they want online which is the upside however with the internet it still seemed like that was too slow and there could be a faster way for us to receive news. What this comes down to is speed, simplicity, and strength of the message. Thats what blogging gave us. A blog post from someone in an important current event is immediately available and pretty much instant. A blog also gets the point across very quickly and to be quick the message has to be short and sweet. Being a shorter message than an article lets say, a blog post can be so powerful. not saying that a great article isnt powerful but i feel like the blog is so much more personable and meaningful. Now some news channels on tv like CNN have all of their reporters blogging what is happening where ever they are and it has completely changed the way i look and receive news as.

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