Sunday, March 6, 2011

News has to be reported faster and more accurately

How has blogs and the internet changed the way news is reported?

News has to be reported faster and more accurately. Previous to the internet and blogging the news was people's only means of hearing what is going on, and no one could correct them in a way where millions of people would see, they could simply write a letter or call someone, participate in one-on-one communication. When someone posts on the internet that someone in the news got something wrong, or presented something false, everyone sees. And your average citizen can do so, you do not have to be anyone important or with connections. Any news caster or writer presenting false information will quickly be found out.

The news on the internet is also so fast now, all of the news cites are constantly being updated, blogs are constantly being updated, where as a newspaper is only printed once a day it is not constantly updated, and a newscaster or radio announcer can make various news casts throughout the day but not nearly as quickly as you can on the internet. Everyone can make a blog or post on an online cite so you have billions of people capable of posting the news rather than one news team.

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