Monday, March 7, 2011

Technologies Effects on News Reporting

With the advancement and general acceptance in our society towards the ideas and use of blogging, the internet, and inter-communication with one another through web based media, today anyone who would like to be a reporter can become one. In addition to this there may be added pressures on traditional news outlets across the globe to keep their reporting factual and truthful.

The Internet allows the sharing of information from one group of users to another group. This freedom of communication has been helpful in starting revolutions and sharing technology. Without the Internet we would have never had the concept of Wikileaks, or likely even revolutions in the Middle East this past winter. The Internet has allowed unhappy people across the globe to share their knowledge with one another much to the dismay of many governments who seem to ever be looking to control and regulate this outlet

In summary blogs and the Internet have made it such that news reporting must be slightly more focused on public interests. The freedom of communication allotted by the internet helps societies connect and react to issues at hand, that news reporting may have previously not covered to such an extensive degree or at all depending on the outlet or country.

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