Monday, March 21, 2011

Does gatekeeping hinder investigative reporting?

The public relies heavily on the work of journalists and broadcast media to piece together information about the nation and global events. Gatekeepers are the heads of these media outlets, and are responsible for what is actually shown to the public. Picking which stories are most important, how much information will be shown, and what information will be left out are the main jobs of the gatekeepers in media. While it is important to a company in their sales and profits, it hinders the capabilities of investigative reporters. These reporters are trained in looking for information and digging for facts that are important whether or not they offend a certain population.

All the time and effort put into a piece by an investigative reporter can sometimes be hindered by this gate keeping because not all of the information is used for every story. Investigative journalists work to find information no matter whom it may offend. Through all their time and effort, they work to inform the general population as a whole and by holding back certain information, gatekeepers reduce the effectiveness of investigative journalism. The news media is meant to inform the general public of the goings on of today's world, and with the media intentionally withholding information the public is at a disadvantage.

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