Sunday, March 6, 2011

How have blogs and the Internet change the way news is reported?

Future of newspapers is looking like newspapers from back in the day.  On the original newspapers, there was a blank page left at the end so readers could write down their thoughts and pass them along, kind of like the comments on blogs.  After the revolutionary war, a new age of publishing began.  Newspapers helped America form an identity as they debated the number of political issues of the time.  Penny pressers allowed publishers to print a large amount of newspapers, allowing for more advertising, increasing the industry and economy.  But then came big media companies, larger newspaper corporations, and magazines, TV, Internet etc. But now we have blogs, so more people can speak out again, instead of just these large industries. 
                  Blogs and the Internet have changed the way news is reported because anyone can write what they want here.  Although new stations can have their own blogs, and quickly report the new stories and facts, other blogs and websites can bend the facts; therefore people might not be getting the right information.  News station blogs have changed the way news is reported because it is a lot easier for people to go online and quickly read the news they want to hear about.  They can read about only stories that they want to read and not have to sit down and watch the news on TV if they only want to hear one specific story.  Also, they can read it whenever they want, and not have to wait for a specific time to watch the news on TV.  Newspapers are also being put online; most newspapers are being put online so the articles can be read whenever by whoever, free of charge.
                  Blogs and the Internet today are beginning to change the ways news is reported and viewed, they are creating alternate ways, instead of just newspapers and television.  The news media is expanding.

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