Monday, March 7, 2011

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly - Blogs and the Internet

Blogs and the Internet have transformed the way in which people around the world receive their daily news. With the invention of the Internet has come the ability to instantaneously communicate, participate, and read news articles, with little to no barriers. Blogs have allowed independent, inexperienced, young and old, to participate in writing news stories. This phenomenon, although grand for the small writer, has raised the question, what is the validity of the article/blog I am reading?

Blogs have allowed everyday people to communicate their opinions and ideas, whether right or wrong, through the use of the Internet. For many, blogs have brought upon a change in the way we receive our news.


Many argue that blogs have little to no ability to reach mass audiences. Allow me to introduce Vincent Ferrari. Having heard horror stories from poorly treated customers of AOL, on June 13th, 2006 Ferrari recorded a conversation he had with an AOL customer service rep. The representative refused to let Ferrari cancel his account. Ferrari decided to post the conversation on his blog and told Within days millions listened to and viewed Ferraris blog and started what is known as a “Blog Swarm.” Vincent Ferrari, single handedly, has been contributed to dismantling AOL’s customer retention organization.

Click for an interview with Vincent Ferrari

Blogs and the Internet allow the individual to speak his or her mind. Blogs have the ability to reach millions of people depending on the creditability and topics discussed. For many it becomes a news outlet that is unfiltered and free from the chains of corporate rule. As a reader, it is our obligation to be aware of what is truth and what is fiction. Blogs and websites on the Internet must be taken with a grain of salt, as their creditability and sources are often uknown.

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