Sunday, March 20, 2011

Gatekeepers of news are important to the public

I think the gatekeepers of news are those people who are in charge of making decisions of exposing news to the public. The journalists are generally the gatekeepers, as they do research and eventually select the news to inform the public. They should have critical mind and better still, without any bias to the news stories.

Investigative reporting involves bringing to the fore facts and figure that affect human interests and fair governance. The journalists in this field have to conduct in depth research, find out public records, conduct lots of interviews, research documents, and also recheck of facts before broadcasting or writing. Investigative reporting is undoubtedly a watchdog in reporting news.

Investigative reporting is effective in informing the public. It can move public opinion and instill fear in those treading the wrong path. The public can know the information with truthfulness, accuracy, objectivity and impartiality. For example, terrorist activities, drug trafficking, money laundering and so on are usually brought to the notice of the public through investigative reporting.

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