Monday, March 28, 2011

Mass Media Changing the Way We are Entertained

With the constant changes in technology and the fast paced media world we live in, it has affected the way we as an audience are entertained. Our first exposures to technology were basic. The options for audiences were greatly limited. We started out with basic black and white TV’s that had less than a dozen channels with set times for shows. We now are faced with over 500 channels and options like DVR so we can watch anything we want at anytime. These changes have made us as viewers in complete control of what we watch and when.

In order to remain successful in business mass media technology has had to keep up with its audiences. We are so used to having everything at our fingertips, that our generation has developed the capability to take in information at a fast rate. As a result of these changes in both audience viewing and technology we are never without entertainment. I can get an app for just about anything on my iPod or phone. I could also constantly watch movies and TV shows without ever having to leave my house or pick up a remote. Everything I could want is on the internet and the internet has become completely portable. As a result we can constantly be occupied.

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