Saturday, March 19, 2011

Gatekeepers of News

The gatekeepers of news are those people in the news industry who are in charge of making the decisions of what newsworthy stories most deserve to be told and how they will be told. These media personnel are usually the news editors and producers who work tirelessly behind the scenes in making these important daily decisions. Just how a news event is reported can influence the impact it has on its audience. Adding in context, file footage, or more details to a story can make all the difference to its message. Investigative reporting can be very effective in informing the general public about issues important to them. A reporter needs to be innovative in their approach to gathering information from various diverse sources and not be afraid to use information from sources outside of mainstream journalism. As well as reporting information that government officials or leaders in the public eye may have attempted to cover up in fear of how this information would portray them. Investigation reporting serves a valuable purpose as many of these stories would never have been told if a reporter hadn’t pursued a potentially controversial story and brought it to the public’s attention. The public has a right to know about issues and decisions made that may affect them and why they weren’t informed of these issues directly from the main source.

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