Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Letting Out Some of the Truth

In the world of news, there is a lot that is not said. This is because news stations choose what information they want to relay to the public. They base their stories on what they believe the public wants to hear about instead of relaying them the actual information. When news stations do this, they become gatekeepers of the news. They only let the information they want out and keep any information they deem “unnecessary” from being broadcasted to the public.

By giving the public only some of the truth, these news stations are giving their audience a false sense of reality. In some cases, this makes the world seem more attractive then it actually is. This has led people to become emotionless when watching the news, because they are only hearing the news that will not evoke emotion from them. This emotionless type of reporting has led to the decrease of popularity with investigative reporting. Audiences want to hear stories that interest them but on a surface level. They do not want to have a story evoke a lot of emotions inside of them which investigative reporting does. They would rather just watch summaries of interesting stories without the depth.

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