Sunday, March 20, 2011

News witheld then Wiki Leaked

Gatekeepers are people that decide what can be aired on TV. In this sense gatekeepers can be people in the government or law enforcement. For instance the government can with hold specific information from people about our fate or other things such as terrorist attacks on specific areas. This is because they don’t want the public to panic and go into a rage. Also the law enforcement can with hold specific information about murder victim or something so that their identity is protected and people don’t know who they are for reasons. The FCC is also a gatekeeper in that they regulate what is allowed to be bleeped and blurred on TV whether it is vulgar language, obscenities or nudity. Investigative reporting is important because it gets information out there about things that are kept from the public. For instance Wiki Leaks does investigative reporting and gets classified information that the government with holds from the public and leaks it to us. They get us the truth that the government doesn’t want us to know about. Investigative reporting is very important because it answers a lot of important questions that we may have but we can’t get answered. This will be very important in the future too because aw things move on things are getting more and more classified and we need people to get that information out there for the public to see.

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