Monday, March 7, 2011

Blogs and the Internet changing the way news is reported

Seeing how technology is constantly changing, this causes other aspects of Mass Media to change with it. How people report and receive news has changed drastically because of advances in technology, particularly blogs and the Internet. These two mediums of communication has allowed anyone to report news. This is not necessarily a good thing because rumors can easily be started. However, both blogs and the Internet have made it easier for people to get the news. Before people heard news by watching their local news station or reading their local paper, which hence the title mainly only talked about “local” news rather than nationally or worldly news. People now can easily get and hear breaking news while on the go because they can easily access the Internet to keep them informed. The Internet as a whole is a good source for information, but to make sure that one is actually hearing the truth it is highly advised to use sites like NBC news and CBS news. As with the Internet, blogs can give one news but also serve as a public journal for some. Yes some newscasters have some sort of a blog where they put out news, but with blogs there is a sense of being more personal rather than general. These blogs can be in many forms such as a typical blog, a tweeter account, or even a video blog. Regardless of blogs having a more personal manner, if they are from a reliable source then the news that they are reporting is most likely reliable.

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