Sunday, March 6, 2011

Everyone can be a reporter

Blogs and Internet have made it so that anybody can be a reporter. People with no camera, or reporting experience can shoot a video on their phone and create a compelling news story. One example of the changing news environment was in Iran when the government tried to block media coverage of events following the controversial 2009 presidential election. People claimed that the election was rigged and violence broke out in the streets. The Iranian government banned both foreign and local media from reporting. This is when the so-called “twitter revolution” came into effect. Iranian citizens started blogging about the events through Twitter and posted videos as well to show the government’s brutality. In this day and age information can travel in an instant, which has completely changed the way news is reported. More and more people are using blogs to post information and news. Blogging is also a great way for people to give feedback about big events. The Internet has democratized mass media because anybody can use it. This means regular news stations have to deliver the news faster.

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