Sunday, March 20, 2011

Smarter and Quicker

Who are the gatekeepers of news? How effective is investigative reporting in informing the public?
The gatekeepers of news depend on the story, it can be the police, the government, or a person in general. They always have a motive for keeping whatever news a secret, whether it be them getting in trouble or them looking bad. Sometimes with police they keep information from the public because it is harmful to a person or a family, or because they have not closed the case and do not want the press to interfere with that.

Investigative reporting is typically good because they can find out the people that are keeping information and release it. Unfortunately there is the rare occasion where they end up revealing something that messes up a police case but typically the press is good at keeping everyone honest.

They are typically good at informing the public, however most people now know to keep things away from the press and hide things better. This just means that investigative journalists have to be smarter and quicker.

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